Inaccurate or Misleading Medical Abbreviations To Avoid In OET?

Do you know there are so many abbreviations that you should avoid making use of when you are taking the OET - Occupational English Test?

Whether be it OET writing sub-test or OET reading sub-test, it is recommended that you should not make use of abbreviations or shortened versions of some medical phrases that may have double meanings.

What do you understand when any medical professional writes “µg”?

Do you take it as “mg.” or do you take it microgram?

Well, there is confusion.

If you would like to say “microgram” then it is always better to make use of “mcg.”

Similarly, when you write “BT” it is often mistaken as BID (Twice Daily)

But, the actual intended meaning for making use of BT is Bed Time.

Similarly, you make use of the IJ to say Injection but others may take it Intrajugular. That is wrong. That may create big trouble.

Therefore, it is always suggested that you should make use of only those abbreviations that are common and that are not ambiguous.

They should not be error-prone or mislead anyone, by making use of such error-prone abbreviations, you may unintentionally convey the wrong medical information. And this is a serious matter. You may also have to suffer the consequences of it.

Therefore, in the Occupational English Test, it is assessed what type of abbreviations or short versions of the words or medical phrases you are making use of.

Are you making use of confusing abbreviations such as given above? Well, if yes, then, certainly, you will create a bad impression.

The following are the symbols, abbreviations, dose designations that you should never make use when you are communicating medical information.

It is always better to make use of complete words, rather than their shortened versions.

Hs (hours of sleep) but often, it may be mistaken as half strenght.

O.d (once daily), but it may wrongly be considered as Occulus Dexter that may lead to liquid medications administered in the eye.

SSI (Sliding Scale Insulin). But, this may also stand for Strong Solution of Iodine (Lugol's).

HCT (hydrocortisone). Mistaken as hydrochlorothiazide

PCA (procainamide). Mistaken as patient controlled analgesia

° (Hour) Mistaken as a zero (e.g., q2° seen as q 20)

So, avoid making use of abbreviations that may convey two different meanings.

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